Tuesday, June 28, 2011

tak STRESS pon (^_*)v

I would be lying if i say I was TOO BUSY and that's why I didn't update my blog. But the true is i'm SUPER BUSY while Salleha (my assistant) still on leave for a week (eh no, 1 week & 2 days okey). So I have to arrange everythings due to the event that will be held soon ' Anniversary MPPG'. Of course i'm the one of committee. Luckily the activities are not many as last year.

I 'supposed' to be bz with my 'hakiki works'. But everything is pending..admit that i'm not yet smart enough to handle job parallels...sorry boss. I only have two hands ;p

Plus there will be have exhibitions and every departments need to prepare because each department have their own booth. I'm still do nothing YET......tolong!!!!

ok, don't be stress..just put aside any stressful things and juz thought the happiness & joyful

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


kenape aku tak boleh nk comment??

So aku terpakse pandang sepi je comment korang kat blog aku

plus aku x bley comment kat blog korang gak..even aku kepoh nk interframe kat blog korang tu..


asek suro enter ID sampai 88kali...

verify words segale

tp ending nye tak bleyy gak

Buta IT ke aku ni????

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Universal Studio Singapore

Hye..story kali ni adalah mengenai pergi jalan-jalan ke USS..Last jejak kaki kat Singapore ni umur kecik2 dlm 6 ke 7 tahun kot..Time tu pakai pasport biru lagi (Pasport khas utk masuk Singapore je). Kteorg pegi b3 (member baek sgt2 since form 3 okeyyy) sempena Yana dtg dr KL & akan menamatkan zmn bujangnye...hehhe. So kte enjoyyy...

Sampai je dlm kol 8.30, amek2 gmbar kat luar USS dulu

coz kt luar ni pon best

~trademark USS~

~Yana yg nak kawen~

My Sweet Frendz Azimah

rase mcm nk bwk blk je

ni dengan coklat hersheys..yippie

kiss jelly belly

dah amek gambar sakan kat luar, baru la msuk kt dlm USS

Attraction kat USS ni dia divide ikut kawasan.
Far far away

Ancient Egypt

Lost World

Sci-Fi City


kat Madagascar kteorg juz amek gambar

kat cni tak de pape sgt

Banyak utk budak2..

Juz ade few kedai souvenir

Lepastu tengok 4D kat Far Far Away..best

Pastu kteorg tertengok Donkey live - suitable for kids

Lepas beratur lame kat Jurassic Park,baru la dpt naik smpai basah2..

(Ni tengah tolong yana lipat rain coat yg dirembat..hehheh)

Before tu kteorg tngok stunt secara live

Lepas tu kteorg gerak pegi Ancient Egypt

kat cni bnyak bangunan ala2 kat padang pasir..

Kteorg naik Revenge of mummy (roller coaster)

memang best sgt2..recommended (mesti naik tau kalau pegi)

Kat sini takde amek gambar..sory

Lepastu naik Battlestar Galactica kat Sci Fi City

Kite naik yg roller coaster merah je..

Tp diaorg naik both (merah & biru)

Mak dah tak larat..nak muntah terbalik-terbalik..

Kat Sci Fi City

Kat Hollywood..

Ala2 kat obersea gitu cuaca dia..

Yana dengan rain coat nye.

Posing lagi

Kteorg jumpe Marilyn Monroe

Kat kedai souvenir

Award yg kteorg pinjam..hahhaha

Ni time malam..

Gud bye USS

Sure i'll come again..

So, tips pegi USS :

Kteorg pegi under travel agent. Juz nek bas from Tune hotel direct to USS

Sume termasuk ticket bas pegi balik & masuk USS RM 188

Kemudahan kat sana ok:

1. Bagi yg ade ank kcik, stroller boley rent

2. Wheel chair pon ade

3. Makanan kat sana mahal (bile da convert duit kite la) coz currency diaorg 2.4 higher than us. So kalo mineral water $3, convert la to RM da berape? Kteorg bwk air sendiri & ade water cooler bersepah kat situ in case kalo korang nk refill mineral water korang tu..tak yah segan, ramai je wat mcm tu coz kat sana mmg panas..mesti cpt haus..

4. Souvenir from $3.90..(magnetic fridge), kalo keychain mostly from $6.90. Yang lain ade bookmark, t-shirt, bag, etc....

5. Kat sana ade sediakan map. So korang pegila kt mane2 yg korang rase nak pegi..tp kteorg ade ter miss satu tempat yg best lights, Camera, Actions Hosted by Steven Spielberg. Kakak kite ckp best. tp kteorg x tau..

6. Kat sana bnyak famous character utk kite amek gambar dgn dia. Ade kungfu Panda, Woody wood pecker, cat yang dlm shrek tu, charlie chaplin..mcm2 la. If nk amek gambar, kene line up then de org yg jaga bley tlg amek kn gambar..

tu jela kot..ok korang..sebenarnye banyak je gambar2 kat sana..tp upload sket2 je..

Really Bored

~I'm really bored~

dats all
